Stepping Stone Inter College (SSIC), Green City, Gorakhpur started its journey in 2016. In the last 4 years, SSIC, green city has grown by leaps and bounds to take its place among other schools. With three branches, and an enrollment of over 4000+ students.

SSIC, one of the best School in Gorakhpur, has a vibrant atmosphere for proper teaching and learning and a faculty rich in talent and experience. As enterprise and endeavor are its watchwords, the school always keeps an eye on new educational initiatives, so that the road to excellence, on which the institution has already launched itself, becomes smoother, more navigable and more accessible. Quality enhancement is its mission – it tries to create a win-win situation for its students with a personalized and positive approach towards education.
SSIC, one of the leading CBSE schools in Gorakhpur, strives to celebrate LIFE in totality – it wishes to teach its students to celebrate tradition and progress, celebrate peace and harmony simultaneously. It ensures that students are always in touch with their roots.
At SSIC, teaching and learning happen in a caring and purposeful environment. The teachers groom the child’s mind, body, and spirit through a holistic approach. Academic standards are raised by introducing conceptual exams and bridge courses along with scholar classes. Personalized Learning honors each student as an individual learner. Hands-on tools, latest computer systems, and programs are aplenty, to support the basic efforts of integrating the curriculum with technology. Tata Edge is another step in this direction. Through ASPIRE – A Specialized Program Integrating Resources and Experts – celebrities from various fields such as art, dance, film, music, sports, media, science and technology are invited to the school to motivate students, open their minds and add further avenues for exploration.
Learning and acquiring skills is rapidly shifting from the four walls of classrooms. Co – scholastic activities not only groom the inherent talent of the child but also give them an extra edge and confidence. The school works upon maximizing the students’ potential through self-development programs like yoga, exercises, sports, recreation, and culture travel. We have club periods that sensitize students to their surroundings and environment. The school’s Language Lab, AV Lab, and Computer Labs are designed meticulously, keeping in mind the needs of the students. They provide a learning environment that teaches students the essential skills they will need to thrive in the real world of work.
Sports, along with co-scholastic activities, play an important role in character building. Education without sports cannot produce students capable of tackling the challenges of a fast-paced world. SSIC, one of the best schools in Gorakhpur, takes proper care of balancing sports with education, thus enabling the development of sportsman spirit and a healthy and constructive attitude towards life. Our students learn not to be just achievers, but also how to accept failures gracefully and start again.
Parents are partners in education. The goals and ambitions of the school and the parents are synchronized. The PTMs are a platform to exchange ideas and views and the highlight is mutual respect for each other.

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